How web applications are made?

How web applications are made?

How web applications are made

Web applications are used widely, nowadays without even noticing one may have used the web applications! Collecting data, reaching people through the internet, and purchasing products over the internet are some prominent examples of web applications playing a significant role. So how these web applications are made? In today’s world technology is developing rapidly as everyone is using smartphones which come with many mobile applications to interact with the internet are mobile applications and web applications the same? In my opinion, mobile applications are the mutations of web applications Like for example Facebook developed web applications and then they extended their support to mobiles exclusively for mobile devices so they developed Android and IOS applications. But even today a wide range of web applications are used, some are saying that mobile applications would outrun web apps but I will never accept their thought I would rather prefer to say that mobile apps and web apps will combine to develop Hybrid applications. So many companies have begun to show interest in building Hybrid applications, but it is far from our topic for this article so let’s stick to web applications. Enough of the introduction let’s get straight to how web applications are made!

There are lots and lots of ways are there to build a web application, from simple to complex. If you are a computer programmer you would prefer coding your own website or web application., What if you are from some other field that you have no idea of coding? No need to worry you guys have many online site builders and content management systems (CMS). These content management systems are really easy for a user to run a web application as they take care of all the harder parts. The top CMS I would prefer you to use is WordPress as many applications you see today are powered by WordPress under the hood.

Let’s come to the coding section, so you are a good coder and you want to build a web application, you have enormous options like PHP(LaravelCakePHP), JAVA, Ruby on Rails, Python (FlaskDjango), JavaScript(Angular), Microsoft’s .NET, etc., Most common web applications are divided into two sections namely Front end and Back end. The front is what the user is viewing (GUI) it is usually being developed with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You can learn HTML, CSS, and JS from W3 schools and Mozilla developer tutorials. Once you have the complete design in your hand let’s move on to the backend as mentioned above it has lots of options! Firstly let’s get to know what is a backend, A web application constantly retrieves data from a database which is common to all users. This Database is always referred to as a server, most commonly a server holds the database. In order to communicate with the server web applications has to have a medium, and that is the backend, at first, it may sound confusing but once you get used to it it will become so easy.

According to your web application’s size, you choose your backend. With PHP, .NET, and JAVA. Python you can build all sorts of applications. The simplest application you could try for learning is a Blog or polling application. After you learn the basics you can move forward to your dream project.

I hope you got some basics of what is a web application and how it is being built by professionals. For any doubts do not hesitate to comment and if you found this article useful do share it with your friends. Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate your interest in building applications, So what are you waiting for? To develop a website!

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